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women’s history month book club with LTA and APIO
Rights! Camera! Action! Screening of “I Didn’t See You There” by the Duke Human Rights Center and Duke Disability Alliance. Discussion to follow the film!
These meetings will be presentations about our organization and orienting our new members to Duke Phi Delta Epsilon
Come chat with members of PASH about important topics related to sexual health and wellbeing! Food will be provided.
Latinx students from across different schools at Duke will be coming together for a mixer which will include karaoke, games, food, and time to mingle to foster a more tight-knit Latinx culture at Duke. Participants organizations include Mi Gente, LALSA, LASA, ALMA, and students from the Nicholas School.
Biweekly Duke SDA Friday Worship!
Stand-up comedy workshop.
join keohane for a catered brunch partnered with BUMBLE for the best merch and to celebrate healthy relationships.
Trip to Cleveland, OH to view the once in a lifetime total solar eclipse.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.