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Join us from 1pm-3pm on March 23th in Keohane Atrium to make delicious sushi! We will provide everything you might need, including fish, crab, avocado, and other vegetables to accommodate possible dietary restrictions.
Children of Men Screening
Open craft night with LTA. Bracelet making and painting.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
This event will be about current Duke Medical School students coming to talk about what they recommend doing to prepare for the MCAT and to add interesting experiences to your Gap Year as a Pre-Med applicant. The goal of this event will be to help students applying to medical school start to plan out these aspects of their application.
From Anyone But You to When Harry Met Sally, come see how well you know the best genre of cinema.
Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day. Signing up in advance helps ou…
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day. Signing up in advance helps ou…
Group Stations of the Cross in the FAH chapel followed by dinner and discussion.