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Come hang out and make some crafts with us!
join Keohane for some self-care, including face masks, tea, fuzzy socks, and other goodies!
Synergy Dance will be hosting a Hip-Hop master class – open to all Duke students to learn a fun hip-hop dance and make new friends while doing it!
Share your creativity with TASA and CommuniTEA by making your own boba! Make new friends and catch up with old ones while trying delicious snacks!
Discussing trending and relevant topics in the African community.
come to a clothing swap partnered with wannamaker and sustainable duke! fully catered brunch with thrifting!
ASA will be hosting an event where people can eat different types of dumplings from around Asia.
Group Stations of the Cross in the FAH chapel followed by dinner and discussion.
Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day. Signing up in advance helps ou…
A 90-minute moderated discussion with Michael Rubin on how the Houthi Movement affects power relations with the US and the Middle East
Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day. Signing up in advance helps ou…
Join the Office of Pre-Law Advising to hear from a panel of Duke students who were accepted to Harvard and Columbia Law’s deferral programs this past summer. Dean Barley will also be giving an informational presentation for prospective applicants.