Found 14153 matches
Join us on Friday for the Shabbat this Friday! Shabbat services start at 6pm (don’t miss Good Thing of the Week!), and the evening continues at 7pm with dinner. Register by texting “Shabbat” to (984) 333-5603.
Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
Social Hosts are members of the Duke community that are required to be present at all on-campus events where alcohol is present. Social Hosts are sober, active bystanders that assist in promoting safe, social behaviors to ensure that the event ends well for all those attending. What will this workshop cover? Your role as a Social Host. How you can promote safe, social behaviors. How your…
An information session for prospective members to learn about Round Table SLG.
Join DCC’s weekly meeting to support its work advocating for climate action!
Weekly meetings for the Duke University Chess Club, which will include lessons with our coach Levan Bregadze
1 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Induction of new Alpha Phi Omega pledges.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
A casual community chat space where community members and partners can explore relevant multicultural topics, cultivate cross-cultural relationships, & engage in intentional coalition building.
A casual community chat space where community members and partners can explore relevant multicultural topics, cultivate cross-cultural relationships, & engage in intentional coalition building.