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Come make slime with us!
QT-POC Prom is intended to carve space for queer and trans people of color to enjoy themselves with music, food, and fun.
This will be a contemporary dance class open to all members of the Duke community. Nicole Park and Florence Wang both graduated Duke in May 2023 and were also co-founders of Embodiment Contemporary Dance. They will co-teach a class beginning with a warm-up, then move into a contemporary dance combination. Nicole and Florence have a combined 40+ years of experience in dance, choreography, and da…
keohane merch distribution (and basketball)!
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Assigned dPS fellows conduct weekly volunteering at Iglesia Emanuel’s food pantry.
Gil Penalosa will talk about urbanism through international case studies, mainly from Latin America. Reception with free food will follow. Finger food available during the lecture.
Interested in Diversified Industries? Join us for an overview of the industries we cover. We’ll do crash course on the healthcare, legal / public policy, entertainment, and marketing sectors, including important skills, the recruiting timeline, and more! You’ll also hear from a panel of upperclassmen successfully working in those industries, with time for Q&A.
Fundraiser to promote the DevilTHON Dance Marathon and spread awareness about Heart Health Month (February)
Synergy Dance will be hosting a Hip-Hop master class – open to all Duke students to learn a fun hip-hop dance and make new friends while doing it!
Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day. Signing up in advance helps ou…