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Spring ’24 recruitment event
Catalyst spring ’24 recruitment event
Catalyst spring ’24 recruitment event
Join us in The Lou, Bryan Center suite 109 for a time to build community, enjoy great food and networking with other graduate and professional students
History test for DPA Recruitment
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
In this session, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity will a) provide an overview of gender pronouns, b) discuss their importance in creating inclusive spaces for transgender and non-binary students, and c) provide an overview of trans-inclusive pedagogical practices for implementing pronouns in and out of the classroom. Registration preferred, but feel free to drop in. Register here: …
Duke Climate Coalition will be hosting justice-oriented student organizations to discuss common goals for our campaigns.
getting help with resumes
Members of the Keohane and Hollows Quad and connecting houses are invited to a Quad Party in K-ville prior to the Men’s Basketball game against Notre Dame! Free food, separate walkup line and special seating for the game!! We look forward to seeing you there!
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.