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This training further explores systems of privilege and oppression and how they support and uphold allosexism, cissexism, and heterosexism alongside other systems that benefit some at the expense of others. Registration preferred, but drop ins welcome.
Members of the Few and Crowell Quad and connecting houses are invited to a Quad Party in K-ville prior to the Men’s Basketball game against Boston College! Free food, separate walkup line and special seating for the game!! We look forward to seeing you there!
The Muslim Student Association will be hosting introductory courses on Islam titled “Islam 101.” A knowledge scholar from the local community will be brought in to deliver the 3-part series, available to all Duke students. Content covered will include the basic level knowledge that all Muslims should know.
Scale and Coin Second Round Deliberations
Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!
Club practice at outside gym
Plan GBMs for the following week
Super bowl Watch party with Omega Zeta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated and nphc fraternities and sororities will be in attendance.
Members of the Craven, Kilgo, and Swift Quad and connecting houses are invited to a Quad Party in K-ville prior to the Men’s Basketball game against Wake Forest! Free food, separate walkup line and special seating for the game!! We look forward to seeing you there!
Join the Duke Climate Coalition to work on our climate action campaigns!
A documentary examining the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, believed by many to be the cloth in which Christ was buried, will be released this November. The film, The Shroud: Face to Face, is by Robert Orlando, who wrote a book of the same title on the topic. It is expected to explore many aspects of the Shroud, while debunking the failed attempt to carbon date the cloth in 1988.
Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!