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Join Duke Pamilya for its first GBM for the Spring semester welcoming new exec with snacks from Li Mings! Come to (re)connect with the team and get excited for the semester ahead!
Camera systems and camera operating for motion picture photography. No registration or experience required, come as you are!
The sisters of Duke aKDPhi will be hosting a causal informal event where interested individuals can learn more about the organization.
The sisters of aKDPhi will be hosting an info session where we discuss our philanthropy while baking as a part of our Spring 2024 recruitment.
Spring ’24 recruitment event
Catalyst spring ’24 recruitment event
Catalyst spring ’24 recruitment event
Join us in The Lou, Bryan Center suite 109 for a time to build community, enjoy great food and networking with other graduate and professional students
History test for DPA Recruitment
A documentary examining the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, believed by many to be the cloth in which Christ was buried, will be released this November. The film, The Shroud: Face to Face, is by Robert Orlando, who wrote a book of the same title on the topic. It is expected to explore many aspects of the Shroud, while debunking the failed attempt to carbon date the cloth in 1988.
Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.