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Basically just a chance for people interested in DIRA to meet away team members. We’ll play MUN themed games like the 1-minute game.
New Member Meeting
Rotate through and learn about each BOW committee!
Come join us in creating a mural for the Latinx community while enjoying Pincho Loco popsicles! No artistic skill needed
Weekly executives meeting for Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society
Thank you to everyone who attended our first meeting! In this meeting, we’ll be presenting this year’s volunteer opportunities as well as the corresponding training process.
Come join the Duke International Student Center (DISC) for our weekly Spanish Conversation Club gathering
Freshmen Bible Study
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Join us on Friday for the Shabbat this Friday! Shabbat services start at 6pm (don’t miss Good Thing of the Week!), and the evening continues at 7pm with dinner. Register by texting “Shabbat” to (984) 333-5603.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
Kidz Vote Meeting