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New Member Meeting
Duke Debate Motion Discussion
Come join the Duke International Student Center (DISC) for our weekly Spanish Conversation Club gathering
Barbecue following our Saturday workday to officially begin the year, welcome new members, and welcome anyone interested to learn more about the team
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Come study and chill with Nu Omicron!
Freshmen Bible Study
Information session for incoming members of the organization.
Drop-in advising is for quick questions. If you don’t need a full 30-minute appointment, please consider stopping by a drop-in session hosted by our peer advisors. Drop-in advising can be used to double-check a policy or procedure or to confirm you’re on track with your application or pre-departure steps.
Audition for Inside Joke, Duke’s premier sketch comedy group!
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
We will be providing an overview of Duke Global Public Health Brigades, open executive board positions, club activities, and our trip.