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Come join us for a chill afternoon of crochet, tea, and hot chocolate! It will be beginner friendly.
The Muslim Student Association will be hosting introductory courses on Islam titled “Islam 101.” A knowledge scholar from the local community will be brought in to deliver the 3-part series, available to all Duke students. Content covered will include the basic level knowledge that all Muslims should know.
DUU Speakers & Stage and the Muslim Student Association present an Evening with Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad
Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!
Join Mi Gente and SOCA in making a 2024 vision board! Enjoy catering from Playa Bowls!
Club practice at outside gym
This is to inform Duke Students about Catalyst and how they can get involved!
Plan GBMs for the following week
Join the Duke Climate Coalition to work on our climate action campaigns!
Scale and Coin Philanthropy Event
DIIG Spring 24 GBM
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124