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Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!
Join Mi Gente and SOCA in making a 2024 vision board! Enjoy catering from Playa Bowls!
The Muslim Student Association will be hosting introductory courses on Islam titled “Islam 101.” A knowledge scholar from the local community will be brought in to deliver the 3-part series, available to all Duke students. Content covered will include the basic level knowledge that all Muslims should know.
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124
Join the Duke Climate Coalition to work on our climate action campaigns!
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124
Learn to make a Froebel or Moravian Star—a sixteen point, three dimensional star from strips of paper. Paper folding can reduce stress and promote relaxation. It requires concentration and focus which helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. The repetitive folding of paper can also be meditative, similar to the practice of yoga or mindfulness meditation. (Adapted from
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
Club practice at outside gym
Plan GBMs for the following week