Found 14166 matches
Join the Duke Climate Coalition to work on our climate action campaigns!
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124
Come join us and share your research!
Join us at Jewish Life at Duke for a relaxing Sunday morning of free bagels and time with friends!
Club practice at outside gym
Plan GBMs for the following week
general body meetings
General body meeting for members of Catalyst
Weekly meeting for the student-run podcast arm of Environmental Alliance, called Operation Climate.
Join the Duke Climate Coalition to work on our climate action campaigns!
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124
Trans 101 serves as an introductory workshop to allow students, staff, and faculty the opportunity to a) learn about identities related to sex, gender, gender identity, and gender expression, b) learn about the vast experiences of members of the trans community, and c) begin exploring systems of privilege and oppression resulting in transphobia and cissexism. Register here: https://duke.qual…