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Fall 2022 HJS Introductory Meeting
Come ask any questions, sit down and chat with an exec, have an exec review your resume, or really anything you want!
This event for Round Table is an outside field day where we play outdoor games and eat food from Western Union outside (individuals will get their own meals).
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Weekly meeting conducted for the entire general body of the Duke Investment Club, featuring stock pitches, guest speakers, student panels, and a training program for underclassmen interested in learning more about finance.
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! For the Fall Semester, prayer (Iqamah) will be at 6:30am. The CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus. Pick up is at 6:15am. To sign up, register for F…
Discussing general topics related to the pre-dentistry track including admission process, DAT, shadowing, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a mentorship program for students to be supported throughout their undergraduate experience.
Learn about the Journal of Public Policy, brainstorm topics, meet with professors, catch-up with friends, enjoy some pizza and beer!
Come join The Wild Ones and professor Nicki Cagle on a herpetology hike at the Duke Forest from 12pm-2pm on Friday, September 16th! Take a break and look for snakes, come to the bog and look for frogs, finding newts will be so cute! If you would like to attend, please register below. Wear long pants, bug spray, and bring a water bottle.
Duke Sports Analytics Club will be hosting a workshop to teach members basic R for sports analytics.
Basically just a chance for people interested in DIRA to meet away team members. We’ll play MUN themed games like the 1-minute game.