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Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! For the Fall Semester, prayer (Iqamah) will be at 6:30am. The CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus. Pick up is at 6:15am. To sign up, register for F…
Current Duke EMS members will be hosting an information session for applicants to join Duke EMS. Current members will also run prospective members through medical scenarios.
Duke International Student Center, has resumed drop-off only trips to DMV.
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.
Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
Open workshops for all- no registration necessary! Converse 1-on-1 with prospective quants and start mentor relationships, compete in a team-based trivia/game theory/mathematical thinking competition, learn and apply basic options trading strategies with a team, play mock trading games like a trading intern, and get an introduction to the quant job recruitment process. Follow us on instagram @d…
Discussing general topics related to the pre-dentistry track including admission process, DAT, shadowing, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a mentorship program for students to be supported throughout their undergraduate experience.
Set your organization up for success by setting goals at the beginning of the year! In this session, we will discuss setting goals that help you achieve them, as well as how to work with your organization to create goals you all can get behind.
Join us as we look for wildlife at several spots along the shore of Falls Lake! We expect to find a variety of migrant songbirds, shorebirds, and waterbirds. We will explore forest, swamp, lake, and mudflat habitats to see whatever nature we can find! *Snacks will be provided* This is a perfect trip for experienced birders, those looking to learn about birds, and anyone interested in exploring …
DEID’s first GBM of the year for returning and prospective new members. Come by to learn more about DEID!
Duke Debate Motion Discussion