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Come and see Matthew Johnson’s “Blackberry.” Critics raved about the film chronicling Blackberry’s rise and fall, giving it a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. It will be screened in Griffith Film Theater on 1/19 and 1/20 at 7 and 10 pm. Bryan Center is located across from McDonald’s in the Bryan Center.
A time for Duke Simple Charity leaders and members to get together to plan events and engage with materials concerning our mission statement.
Duke University EMS GBM on Tuesdays for members.
Duke Rotaract Board Meetings are held every week and are open to all members. We plan events during board meetings!
This is a recurring bible study for Agapé Christian Fellowship
Duke Rotaract holds General Body Meetings every other week starting on 1/16/2024. During these meetings, we do small volunteering activities, socialize, play games, or learn skills related to professional development! Anyone is welcome to join us.
Duke University EMS GBM on Tuesdays for members.
Duke Rotaract Board Meetings are held every week and are open to all members. We plan events during board meetings!
This is a recurring bible study for Agapé Christian Fellowship
A time for Duke Simple Charity leaders and members to get together to plan events and engage with materials concerning our mission statement.
Duke University EMS GBM on Tuesdays for members.
Going to Deep River for clay targets