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Come join the Duke International Student Center (DISC) for our weekly Spanish Conversation Club gathering
This event for Round Table is a community service event where we partner up with a local organization to support them in their service work.
Do you struggle to unwind your mind before an exam, an interview, or before going to sleep at night? If so, you are not alone! Minimizing the stress of daily life as much as possible is important for overall health. This workshop will give you tips to help you move through stressful moments at Duke mindfully. RSVP is not necessary, but preferred for accurate food and resources.
Freshmen Bible Study
We will be providing an overview of the club, the brigade, volunteer opportunities, social opportunities, and executive board positions.
A community event open to students of all identites that will include a barbecue dinner and square dancing
Want your creative piece workshopped? Looking for a dedicated time and place each week to write creatively? Join the Writing and Workshopping Group on Sundays at 7 in WU Meeting Room 216 and sign up for more info at! All are welcome!
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! For the Fall Semester, prayer (Iqamah) will be at 6:30am. The CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus. Pick up is at 6:15am. To sign up, register for F…
Set your organization up for success by setting goals at the beginning of the year! In this session, we will discuss setting goals that help you achieve them, as well as how to work with your organization to create goals you all can get behind.
Welcome incoming freshman to colleges and outreach to Asian/American students to ASA. Introduce ASA board to freshman. Beverages, snacks, and other food available.
Audition for Inside Joke, Duke’s premier sketch comedy group! Sign up at:
The first general body meeting for the habitat for humanity organization, where we will introduce the officers, go over our plans for the semester, and also get some hands-on experinece with a mini-build.