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1 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Drop-in advising is for quick questions. If you don’t need a full 30-minute appointment, please consider stopping by a drop-in session hosted by our peer advisors. Drop-in advising can be used to double-check a policy or procedure or to confirm you’re on track with your application or pre-departure steps.
Weekly meetings for the Duke University Chess Club, which will include lessons with our coach Levan Bregadze
Freshmen Bible Study
International Wrongful Conviction Day, on October 2nd, 2022, is an internationally recognized day to honor the wrongfully convicted and spread awareness regarding their personal testimonials. 2 wrongfully convicted men, John Bunn, in partnership with Raymond Santana from the Central Park 5 are participating in the Wrongful Conviction College Tour over a week-long span, making stops at Howard Un…
Discussing general topics related to the pre-dentistry track including admission process, DAT, shadowing, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a mentorship program for students to be supported throughout their undergraduate experience.
Join Graduate Christian Fellowship for a series of discussions regarding the intersection of science, engineering, ethics, and faith. We welcome graduate/professional students from all disciplines and all faith backgrounds. For more information or to be added to the Science and Faith google group, contact Stephanie Holmer (
The meetings revolve around PIH’s mission for the right to health movement. Our three different committees: Fundraising, Advocacy, and Community Building collaborate to create events for the students and local community throughout the school year.
Come join us for our General Body Meeting to learn about a UNICEF topic and meet our exec team!
Auditions for the 7 Duke A Cappella groups.
Join us as we explore important figures in our history and share our experiences as members of the community. Although we intend to center voices at the intersection of these identities, everyone is welcome!
Round Table members will take part in small group activities