Found 14142 matches
Weekly general body meetings for members of Duke Moot Court
General body meeting of Duke BioByte
spring 2024
2024 spring anti hazing workshop
Happy New Year! Join Mi Gente for a T-Shirt making event. Take your choice of letters, designs, markers, and tie dye to make a new shirt for yourself and celebrate the new year
Jeopardy related to black topics such as Black Duke, black culture, and black history.
Weekly general body meetings for members of Duke Moot Court
Weekly general body meetings for members of Duke Moot Court
Weekly general body meetings for members of Duke Moot Court
Weekly general body meetings for members of Duke Moot Court
Twice-weekly general body meeting and practice for the Duke Quizbowl club.
Weekly meetings open to all Duke students to collaborate on trading algorithms with mentors, participate in trading competitions, play trading games, and knowledge share.