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Weekly meetings for editorial planning and discussing upcoming information
Neurocare’s student outreach committee will be meeting throughout the semester to plan mental health advocacy intiatives on and around campus.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BCS volunteers at Duke in the Spring 2024 semester. In a given trip, a group of volunteers will drive to Neal Middle School, help instruct and tutor students in their classes for 1-2 hours, and then drive back to campus.
Come create with us. Check out our arts supplies and use our space!
Joint event with buddies and duke students
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BCS volunteers at Duke in the Spring 2024 semester. In a given trip, a group of volunteers will drive to Neal Middle School, help instruct and tutor students in their classes for 1-2 hours, and then drive back to campus.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BBBS mentors at Duke. In a given trip, a mentor will drive to KIPP Durham, meet with their matched Little for 1 hour, and then drive back to campus.
This event is open to everyone committed to being a supportive ally. Join us as we explore the role of allyship in creating a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear. Let’s turn allyship into action and collectively pave the way for a future that celebrates diversity, acceptance, and love. Don’t miss this chance to be part of a movement that actively promotes equality and i…
DSC Members volunteer in Mr. Kingon’s science class
DUU Speakers & Stage, Define America, ASA, POLIS, and CLACS invite you to a moderated conversation with Javier Zamora, the author of the New York Times Bestseller Solito. We hope to see you on Thursday, February 15th at 6:30 in Page Auditorium!
Career Panel to learn about STEM careers from academia to industry! We will host 3 wonderful speakers.
Come create with us. Check out our arts supplies and use our space!