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Duke’s Military History History blends with the contemporary era as Duke continues to honor those who served and continue to serve. The Office of Student Veterans will continue to update and highlight Duke’s history with the military-affiliated community, however, if you wish to learn more, please visit the Duke University Archives. Below are some of the historical places and programs on campus that highlight Duke’s historic connection to and respect for military service. Brodie Recreation Center, East Campus Location: (36.007396, -78.916891) Formerly called Alumni Memorial Gym, Brodie Recreation Center on East Campus houses a commemoration to Duke students who fought and…
Student Leader Recruitment Applications and Timelines Application and Interview process for the Orientation Board (Project Directors, Orientation Co-Chairs, and Logistics Committee) will occur during the fall semester in mid-October/November The application for the 2025 Orientation Board is now closed. Application and Interview process for Orientation Leaders will occur during the the spring semester in mid-February/March. The application for Orientation Leaders is not yet available. For more information, check out the job descriptions below (subject to change/update): Project Director Orientation Co-Chair Logistics Committee Orientation Leader Questions Email New Student and Family Programs at
Penny CEOs The Penny Pilgram George Leadership Initiative cohorts are lead by the Cohort Executive Officers (CEOs) Monica Balakrishnan Major: Neuroscience major and Political science minor Year: Junior Favorite Penny Memory: Definitely a stand out memory is the annual retreat where I got to make some really great memories and connections with people in my cohort and it really is a great experience that PPGWLI provides for us! Neeharika Rao Chintalapudi Major: B.E. in Civil Engineering and B.S. in Computer Science Year: Junior Favorite Penny Memory: The Penny Retreat was so fun and relaxing! I loved getting to spend time…
Get in Touch Please note that this form can NOT be used to file a report, and it is non-confidential. If somebody shares information about an allegation of sexual misconduct, staff members must file a report. If you wish to file a report or access confidential support, please see “Reporting Options” and “Get Support” above.
Contact the Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator (Confidential) You can reach the Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator, Amy Johndro, either via this form or directly at / 984-569-0592. Amy provides clinical care management and support planning to individuals who have experienced gender-based violence including stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence or sexual harassment. You can expect a response within 24 hours. Amy is a confidential resource, and filling out this form will NOT automatically trigger a report.
We are here to support you! The Graduate & Professional Student Services office is here to provide campus-wide engagement opportunities to support students from all academic programs in building connections and communities across the university. We promote resources and services that will be available to you throughout your journey at Duke. Our Schools Graduate & Professional Student Services collaborates with students, staff, and faculty from Duke’s 10 Graduate and Professional academic schools: Divinity School Fuqua School of Business Law School Nicholas School of the Environment Pratt School of Engineering Sanford School of Public Policy School of Medicine School of…
Questions About Your Pay or Time? We’ve got the answers! Staff Records and Payroll Information about payroll, Time and Attendance, and updating records for professional staff. Student Staff Records and Payroll Information for getting your students paid, troubleshooting common issues, etc., including Non-Duke Students. Duke Benefits Info Information, resources, and links to help you understand your Duke employee benefits (Opens the Duke HR website) Leaves of Absence Information and Resources needed for staff who are in need of a leave of absence. About Your Time Time Cards, Holidays, Severe Weather, Voting, Discretionary Time.
Herstory In January 1989, the Women’s Center began in a cubicle in the Bryan Center under the direction of Martha Simmons. In 1991, it moved to 107 Few Federation, and an office and staff dedicated to services for sexual assault survivors was added to the center. In 1993, Ellen Plummer assumed leadership of the center and the staff grew to include a program coordinator. The year 1999 marked the tenth anniversary of the center and a new direction with the leadership of Donna Lisker. Lisker was heavily involved with the Women’s Initiative and introduced the Baldwin Scholars Program, a selective…
Meet us in The Flowers Building 101 Flowers Building, 404 Chapel Dr Box 90880, Durham, NC 27708 Contact Us Email: Phone: 919.684.3184
A/API BASE Check back soon!
Group Exercise Reduce Stress Through Movement Take a break and come on out to walk, run or stretch with your colleagues! Nov 20 | 12 – 1 PM | Run/Walk Club @ East Campus Loop Nov 21 | 2:30 – 3 PM | Guided Chair Exercises @ Marketplace Nov 25 | 11 AM – 12 PM | Yoga @ Student Wellness Center Dec 2 | 11 AM – 12 PM | Yoga @ Student Wellness Center Dec 4 | 12 – 1 PM | | Run/Walk Club @ East Campus Loop Dec 5 | 12 – 12:30 PM | Walking Meditation…
coming soon LATINX HERITAGE MONTH 2024 Our Roots, Our Future As we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month here on campus, our theme, “Our Roots, Our Future,” is a reflection of our powerful journeys and desires. We are reminded of the importance of honoring our historical roots that have shaped our identities while looking towards the future where our values, rich traditions, and learnings along with our journey will create and inspire change. “Our Roots, Our Future” serves as a reminder of the contributions of the Latinx community both at Duke and beyond. It highlights the importance of remaining strongly connected to…