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Leadership development and student organizations are the cornerstones of the Student Involvement and Leadership team. Connect with our team to learn about opportunities to get involved on campus and ways to grow as a leader. Mission Student Involvement and Leadership helps students co-create Duke experiences that enhance their sense of belonging through meaningful programming, advising, and training. Values Driven by our students, our team, and our greater community, Student Involvement and Leadership values compassion, trustworthiness, inclusion, knowledge, and fun. Leadership Competencies Below are the leadership competencies that Student Involvement uses when designing events, trainings, and workshops. Adapted from the Social…
Student organizations play a critical role in enhancing the greater Duke community. We are here to help students and student organizations maximize their potential and create their Duke experience. This hub contains guides, tutorials, and resources to help your organization be successful. If there’s something that would be helpful to have, let us know! Duke Groups This section contains information on how to use the Duke Groups platform. Duke Groups Help Center 🌐 Duke Groups Basics 🎦 Add/Edit Members 🎦 Add/Edit Officers 🎦 Create an Event 🎦 Create an Event Guide 📄 Send Organization Emails 🎦 Manage Inventory…
LATINX HERITAGE MONTH 2023 What is Latinx Heritage Month? Each year, Americans observe Latinx Heritage Month (federally recognized as Hispanic Heritage Month) from September 15 to October 15, to lift up, celebrate, and promote education about individuals who are from or have ancestry from Latin America and the Caribbean. During Latinx Heritage Month, we at Duke strive to increase awareness about Latinx and Latin American histories, identities, cultures, and accomplishments and address issues that affect Latinx and Latin Americans internationally, within the United States, and on campus. Historically, LHM at Duke has been led by students and student organization efforts….
Sex Positivity & Empowement How is this linked to Gender Violence Prevention? Sexual empowerment is essential in preventing gender violence. By promoting a positive and comprehensive understanding of sex, sexual pleasure, and relationships free from coercion and violence, we create safer experiences. Sexual empowerment teaches the importance of consent, ensuring interactions are based on mutual agreement and respect for boundaries. Focusing on pleasure helps individuals prioritize mutual enjoyment, reducing power dynamics that can lead to coercion. It empowers students to communicate effectively, recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships, and assert boundaries confidently. This holistic approach equips students with the knowledge and…
Celebrate Hanukkah with Jewish Life at Duke with candle lightings and special events on every night of the holiday.
The following message was sent to Duke’s Jewish community on October 30, 2023 from Director for Jewish Life Joyce Gordon.
The following message was sent to Duke’s Jewish students on October 10, 2023 from Director for Jewish Life Joyce Gordon.
Seven Quads. One Champion! The purpose of the Quad Cup competition is to promote community and belonging amongst Duke students. The Quad Cup serves as an inter-quad competition designed to cultivate a robust and resilient campus community through a diverse array of events. In collaboration with QuadEx, students from both East Campus and West Campus will come together to form teams, representing their Quad Connections in engaging events throughout the semester. Points will be accrued for each Quad throughout the Spring 2025 semester, specifically during Quad Cup events. The Quad Connection amassing the highest points by the end of the…
International Guide (I-Guide Program) Undergraduate I-Guides Click here to review the Undergraduate I-Guide role description Graduate & Professional (G&P) I-Guides Click here to review the Graduate & Professional (G&P) I-Guide role description Undergraduate I-Guide Application (Closed for Fall 2024) Apply to be a Graduate & Professional I-Guide for Fall 2024!
Get involved with the Duke international community! Calling all global leaders! Explore opportunities to develop your leadership skills, build your resume, get involved, and support the Duke international community. International Guide Program International Guides (I-Guides) serve as leaders for incoming international students. I-Guides assist DISC with international move-in, graduate orientation, and social events for incoming students. Open to undergraduate and graduate/professional students! Click here to learn more about the I-Guide program! Global Fellows Program A collaboration between the Duke International Student Center (DISC), and the Office of Global Affairs (OGA), the Duke Global Fellows Program is an experiential learning and…
Student Organization Calendar Below is the annual calendar of important dates for student organizations.