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Kosher Grab & Go Meals Convenience and Flavor Sometimes you’re on East or West Campus and just want to grab a quick kosher meal. We are proud to offer Kosher Grab & Go Locations across campus. East Campus: Trinity Cafe Kosher Grab & Go items are available for purchase on East Campus’ Trinity Café 7 days a week. Meat only options daily include: roasted turkey, pastrami, corned beef, grilled chicken, and grilled salmon. Additionally, a rotating variety of full entrée plates, sandwiches, and salads are available for purchase. First-year students keeping kosher may use their dinner equivalency at the Freeman…
Student Prevention Modules Data Sexual Assault Prevention: Mandatory Online Modules All incoming undergraduate and graduate students are required to complete an online course: Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU) and Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students (SAPG). SAPU and SAPG provide detailed information about the importance of values and the aspects of healthy and unhealthy relationships. The trainings, which are evidence-based and tailored for the specific audience, also discuss decisions regarding sexual activity and sexual assault. Whether you plan to engage in sexual activity or not, the goals of the course are to help you make well-informed decisions about consent,…
Branded Templates These templates were created to streamline your communications. If you are having trouble accessing, please email us at Link to Box Folder Training Accessibility We believe all web content needs to be accessible to people with a wide range of abilities. Student Affairs staff are encouraged to keep accessibility in mind when editing content for their web pages, social media posts, videos, and anything else that contributes to a person’s web experience. Duke’s web accessibility guidelines can be found here. Click on the buttons below for a few training resources that we’ve found relevant to our every…
Fraternities and sororities have been part of the University’s history dating back to the time of Trinity College. Through the development of partnerships, student advocacy, and educational programming, fraternities & sororities at Duke aim to be a place where students can develop leadership skills, gain cultural competency, enhance personal wellness, and think critically – all while making an impact on their greater communities. Councils & Chapters Interfraternity Council (IFC) Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is home to an organization (one co-ed fraternity) that provides opportunities for students to create lifelong bonds through social,…
Want to learn more about yourself and who you want to be at Duke? Start today! Take this Values Quiz to discern your core values. Afterward, we’ll reach out to you to invite you to meet with one of the Connection Project Coordinators to discuss your values and how they show up in your life. Take the Values Quiz
Project Directors Project Directors for Duke Experiential Orientation experiences will lead community-building orientation projects that are the tapestry of Duke orientation. Projects will create an inclusive environment where new members of our community can build healthy relationships, learn about campus culture, and begin to acclimate to Duke. With the help of campus partners and the Office of New Student and Family Programs, Project Directors will facilitate these outcomes by co-designing a project schedule, developing and training a student staff, and leading the execution of their project. Each Project will have no more than two project directors, who will be expected…
Want to reactivate a student organization at Duke? Student organization recognition is managed by Student Involvement & Leadership and is required for access to university support and resources, more specifically functions managed by Student Affairs. Student organization reactivation applications are open: September 15 – October 15 (fall semester) January 15 – February 15 (spring semester) Applications are not accepted outside of these time periods. Step 1: Verify Organization Eligibility Student organizations are eligible for reactivation if they have not completed annual re-registration for two consecutive academic years. Use this link to check the list of inactive groups eligible…
High Holidays with Jewish Life at Duke Each year, the Duke community celebrates the High Holidays with Jewish Life at Duke. For Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, both Reform and Conservative-Style services are offered at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life. We also offer Tashlich at Duke Gardens. Additionally, we offer free holiday meals for students including Rosh Hashanah dinner, kiddush lunches, and Yom Kippur pre-fast dinner at the Freeman Center. Pre-registration for meals is required, but all holiday meals are free for students. Students: Didn’t get a chance to register for meals before the deadline? Don’t worry! Email us at with the…
“A Trumpet of Joy and a Blast of Brokenness” – An Excerpt from Rabbi Elana’s Rosh Hashanah Sermon
Our content gives students the tools they need to succeed at Duke and beyond. We work to equip students with essential tools for intentional decision-making, constructive conflict resolution, and the establishment of healthy boundaries. The Balthrop Cassidy Fellowship places recent Duke graduates in the perfect space to ensure the relationship health of current students and establish a foundation for a future complete with fulfillment and resilience. Acting with Intent College life comes at our students fast. So fast that students often find themselves making decisions with little thought regarding whether or not their actions get them closer to where they…