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Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Want your creative piece workshopped? Looking for a dedicated time and place each week to write creatively? Join the Writing and Workshopping Group on Sundays at 7 in WU Meeting Room 216 and sign up for more info at! All are welcome!
Stop by the Duke International Student Center for our weekly English Conversation Club!
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Practice for Duke MMA
The meetings revolve around PIH’s mission for the right to health movement. Our three different committees: Fundraising, Advocacy, and Community Building collaborate to create events for the students and local community throughout the school year.
Meeting for interested students in Dance Expressions
Round Table members will take part in small group activities
Stop by the Duke International Student Center for our weekly English Conversation Club!
Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Queer and trans students of color are invited to catered barbecue and games. Hang out, meet other students, and grab some food!
Weekly Senate for Duke Student Government