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As students and staff navigate their response to gender violence, it is helpful to be knowledgeable about campus policies and procedures. The policies listed here outline the expectations for the Duke University community. The procedures, which are often imbedded into the policies, describe the steps taken by Duke University in response to allegations of gender violence. As GVEO’s efforts are focused on prevention, we do not oversee policies related to discrimination or harassment. The Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator or the Ombudsperson can support students in navigating the policies by providing clarification, seeking out nuanced information while protecting confidentiality, and can…
ASIAN/AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER HERITAGE MONTH 2024 What is A/APIHM? (Celebrated at Duke during April)May is Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month – a celebration of Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the United States. A broad term, AAPI encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island). Typically celebrated in…
Staff Resource Office All of your HR and Staff Payroll needs! The Staff Resource Office serves our approximately 1000 professional and student staff members in the Division of Student Affairs. We are here to help you thrive as a Duke team member and connect Student Affairs staff with broader Duke University resources. We’re your dedicated team for all things related to human resources, payroll, professional learning, staff wellness, and organizational development. Please reach out to us at We look forward to working with you! Need an HR Form or Template? Click below to visit our SASRO Form Page to access…
QuadEx Faculty Fellows are dynamic scholars and teachers with a passion for integrating the Duke academic experience with students’ social and residential lives. A QuadEx Faculty Fellow is affiliated with (but does not reside in) each of Duke’s seven Quad communities. Through shared meals, conversations, and other special programming, Faculty Fellows partner with students to enhance intellectual life within the quad and to support intellectual growth and exploration beyond the classroom. Meet our Faculty Fellows Craven Quad: Shani B. Daily Shani B. Daily is a QuadEx Levitan Faculty Fellow at Craven Quad and Professor of the Practice in Electrical and…
Click below to learn more about each topic! Party Safe Guide Click here for tips on how to party safely Sexual Wellness & Empowerment Click here for Sex Positive tips and tricks
Annual Clery Security Report Keeping you safe is Duke’s top priority. As required by the The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or “Clery Act”, Duke alerts students and employees in a timely manner of crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to the Duke community. Depending on the nature and location of the incident, Duke may send a “DukeALERT” message to all students, faculty, and staff at their Duke e-mail accounts and mobile device, if they enrolled in the text service. Duke prepares an Annual Security Report in compliance with the Clery Act. It includes…
Highlighted Events Each year, Duke Student Veterans, in conjunction with our graduate and professional schools, hosts events for our Student Veterans, their families, and supporters. Below are programming highlights from previous academic school years. Opening Hail In September, students and families gathered for food and fellowship at our Opening Hail. This annual event welcomes Blue Devils, new and returning, to the community. Football Tailgate Students and families tailgated prior to the Duke vs. Florida State Football Game. Duke may have lost the game, but we won in spirit. Go Blue Devils! Veterans Day On Veterans Day, students, families, faculty, staff, and community members…
Informed by feminist, womanist, and social justice principles and theory, the Women’s Center is seeking to create a space for Women of Color to grow into their authentic selves through connection with others, to learn to exercise agency and creativity in their daily lives, and to feel supported and empowered in all that they do. The program seeks to create a place where women and femme identifying students of color feel comfortable and included not only at the university, but also within the larger Durham community. It is designed specifically for women and femme identifying students of color; however, all…
MENA Check back soon!
*Please check back soon for our first SASS
Transportation It is possible to get around Duke and Durham by walking, cycling, public transportation, or driving. Many students come to Durham with a car and are grateful for it, and many students come without a car and can get by. However, the transportation infrastructure in Durham, North Carolina and the surrounding area was designed for car travel. There is a public transportation system, but many students find it less convenient than the transportation systems they are used to in their home cities, states, or countries. The pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is also not as strong because of the emphasis…
Check out this Family Advice from Housing and Residence Life . As adults, we know that conflicts and disagreements are expected even in the strongest relationships. As a parent or family member, you may have heard from your student about their overall roommate experience, things they do or don’t like about them, and even potential roommate conflicts. While it may feel natural to want to intervene on your student’s behalf, this is an excellent opportunity to support your student in learning how to address and resolve conflict independently! We ask students to meet with their roommate each year to complete…