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TransForming Our Campus is a recorded session from November 20, 2019 featuring Dr. Raja Gopal Bhattar. This interactive workshop explored gender pronouns, strategies for campus-wide pedagogical practices and enhancing awareness of resources available on campus. As a national leader in LGBTQIA+ services, Duke University continues to develop structural changes to support our growing transgender and non-binary community. This workshop provided space for reflection, skill-building and helped to build a network of other faculty and staff working to enhance our climate on campus. Each video below is a segment of the full series. To watch the full session, click on the…
As you continue your academic journey at Duke University, we would like to remind you that dining on campus may look slightly different after your first year. The First-Year Dining Plan utilizes the Board Plan and Food Points, while Upperclass Dining Plans utilize Food Points only, giving you the freedom to use your Food Points at any time and any Duke Dining location during operational hours. In addition to your new dining plan options, we encourage you to explore the program offerings below and experience more of what Duke Dining has to offer! -Cooking Classes & Chef Demos-Learn to cook…
In 2022, Lauren Coury joined the Duke Career Center as a Career Advisor for the Data, Technology, and Engineering Career Community with past experience in academic advising, strategic planning, and customer service. In her role, she guides students in their career development process through industry-specific advising. She connects students to resources and mentors that center on each student’s personal experience and encourage exploration and self-authorship. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, Lauren earned her B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Environmental Studies from Furman University. After initially pursuing a degree in law, she decided to pivot her career path and…
At Duke Dining, we believe sustainability is holistic. From procurement to disposal, all stages of the sustainability journey are equally important. Duke Dining recognizes that the modern food system often pursues efficiencies and profit at the expense of environmental health, community well-being, and fair economic relationships. Faced with this reality, we eagerly take on the role of potential catalyst in this system. We believe being “sustainable” means operating deliberately—being intentional and thoughtful in how we feed the Duke community. Education and engagement are essential parts of our operational strategy and sustainability success. In short, sustainability—operating deliberately—isn’t optional for Duke Dining;…
Cameo Hartz is a Career Coach / Assistant Director of Career Services for Duke’s Professional Masters Programs. In this role, she offers individual meetings and chats; creates media and training; and facilitates community to support student and alumni success in the job and internship search. She has been involved in Career Services work at Duke University since 2007. Cameo received her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from the University of Rochester, a master’s degree in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University, and holds an ACC credential with the International Coaching Federation. Before Duke, she advised and educated students at…
*All housing process timelines are tentative and may be changed at the discretion of the Housing Assignments Office. These dates are subject to reasonable changes and each resident agrees to abide by such changes. Notification of changes to these dates is generally made by email to the resident’s University email account. August 2025 – May 2025 Last update 9/9/2024 August 2024 *All housing process timelines are tentative and may be changed at the discretion of the Housing Assignments Office. Thursday, 8/8: Summer Session II classes end. Friday, 8/9 thru Sunday, 8/11: Summer Term II final exams. Monday, 8/12: Summer Session…
I work in the careers space with Engineering Master’s students at Duke University. The favorite part of my role is the opportunity to boost confidence and discourage doubt in students each day. When I’m not coaching students and alums on their job or internship search process, I loves to consume books on Reese’s Book Club List, test vegan recipes, and explore new parks with family.
It matters where our food comes from. Duke Dining has identified clear standards for the food it prefers to purchase. Beef Priority 1: Antibiotic, hormone, and growth promoter free Priority 2: Certified Humanely Raised Priority 3: Local (250 miles or state of North Carolina) Pork Priority 1: Antibiotic, hormone, and growth promoter free Priority 2: Certified Humanely Raised Priority 3: Local (250 miles or state of North Carolina) Chicken Priority 1: Antibiotic, hormone, and growth promoter free Priority 2: Certified Humanely Raised Priority 3: Local (250 miles or state of North Carolina) Priority 4: Certified Organic Turkey Priority 1: Antibiotic,…
Career Communities: Business, Finance, and Consulting Originally from the Buckeye State, Mariah attended The Ohio State University where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. She continued her education at Clemson University where she earned her Master of Education in Counselor Education/Student Affairs. While at Clemson, she worked in the Michelin Career Center as the Graduate Assistant for the Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program. It was during that time that her passion for early talent programs began to flourish. Mariah joins the Duke Career Center from Zoom Video Communications, where she worked as a University Technical Recruiter for the Global Emerging Talent (GET) Program….