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Established in 1983, The Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture remains a safe, welcoming and supportive space that reflects the core values, culture, mission and perspectives of Duke’s Black community.
The Connection Project is a leadership program for first-year students to make their place at Duke. The Connection Project is for first-year students who want to: Make friends at Duke Hone their leadership and interpersonal skills Build a network of students and mentors Live authentically The Connection Project helps first-year students answer questions like: Who do I want to be at Duke? How can I make friends at Duke? How do I get connected to other first-year students? How do I lead at Duke without being in a leadership position? How can I maximize my leadership potential at Duke? How…
Leadership For Everyone Next Level Leadership is a series of trainings and workshops that help student leaders solve problems, increase efficiency, learn from fellow leaders, and strengthen their leadership skills. Sessions are offered periodically throughout the semester on wide range of topics. Topics vary based on student organization interest and needs. See below for a sample list of topics open to everyone. Daring Leadership Navigating Confrontation Setting and Achieving Goals Values-Based Leadership Sessions designed for student groups: Budget Building Event Planning Officer Transition Recruiting & Retaining Members Risk Management Student Organization Requirements In order to maintain good standing with the…
“The ACC leadership symposium was a significant opportunity for learning and personal growth and development…”
Jewish Life at Duke announces Duke Jewish Baccalaureate Ceremony keynote speaker.
Career Everywhere for Everyone Relevancy, Visibility, and Inclusivity Career Everywhere for Everyone, is the belief and understanding that students are seeking advice about their career aspirations and the questions associated with those goals not only from the staff at the Career Center but from faculty and staff, Duke alumni, our employer partners, their peers, and more. It is our role to create and curate career content, identify and amplify career resources, consult and collaborate with campus colleagues, and to set the vision for a campus committed to career readiness and career success. We are committed to ensuring that students do…
Through residential policies and procedures, Duke University seeks to foster a climate of responsibility, initiative, and creativity on the part of individuals and living groups. A successful residential community is one in which students take pride in their physical surroundings and assume active responsibility for the maintenance of acceptable standards of behavior in their living areas. Both individuals and groups may be held accountable for the actions of individual members and their guests. Residents are also responsible for damages caused by their neglect or intentional actions. While students are entitled to a general expectation of privacy within the confines of…
DJAN kicks off with happy hours across the United States