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Tabling is available to registered student organizations and university departments one week after the first day of classes until the week right before the last day of classes. There is no tabling allowed during holidays or reading periods. Reserve A Tabling Slot Reservations are not allowed on the current day. Please note all links below are different, so please check all 3 for availability. A.M. Tabling Morning tabling occurs between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. There are 6 tabling slots for student or department use. Reserve A.M. Tabling Midday Tabling Midday tabling occurs between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. There…
Student Leadership Opportunities Newly admitted students are looking for: meaningful connections and support to aid in their transition to Duke University. The office of New Student and Family Programs (NSFP) believes that our student leaders are essential to offering support as current students and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment. There are four leadership opportunities for Experiential Orientation with New Student and Family Programs: Project Directors, Orientation Co-Chairs, Logistics Committee, and Orientation Leaders. These opportunities are for current students interested in enhancing and developing leadership skills, providing mentorship, building community with incoming students, and sharing their passion for Duke. Applications and Timelines…
Ten years of dedication by Duke’s Jewish community led to the opening of the Freeman Center in 1999, a vibrant home for Duke’s Jewish students.
A native of Greensboro, Carl Thompson received his Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, before attending Argosy University where he received his Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Economics. Before joining the Duke Career Center, Carl had more than 7 years of experience working in higher education as a career counselor and a student services coordinator for the institutions of Rockingham Community College, Forsyth Tech, and Alamance Community College. Prior to that, he worked in the private industry as a professional development specialist and for the NC Department of Commerce as a career counselor. Devoted to…
Venue and Production Management is proud to be an integral part of Duke University’s arts and creative community. We look forward to having you work with us or seeing you in our audience soon! Venue and Production Management strives to support the success and excellence of world-class arts and cultural engagement for the betterment of Duke University and the community at large. Venue and Production Management provides opportunities for Duke students, faculty, staff, and the local community to engage with the arts. We strive encourage meaningful enrichment for all in a safe and welcoming environment for all. We uphold a…
Graduate Professional Student Appreciation Week (GPSAW) events at Duke are an excellent opportunity for students to come together and engage in activities that promote social connections, foster a sense of belonging, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. We recognize and appreciate the hard work and contributions of our Duke graduate and professional students and encourage students to engage in the events/initiatives designed specifically for you. All events are open to any Graduate or Professional student at Duke – we can’t wait to see you there! All Week Sunday, March 26 Out of the Darkness campus walk organized by…
Greg came to Duke during the famed summer of 2020 from Tufts University, where he served Executive Director of the Career Center since 2016. Greg has experience developing innovative and enduring partnerships between the career team and other campus partners, including Alumni Affairs, the First-Generation Center, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, and Athletics. He successfully developed and launched a “Designing Your Life” course for first-year students and oversaw the creation of numerous career and student-alumni global networking events. He is focused on outreach to employers and alumni across a wide range of industries and nonprofit sectors and works to…
Ramadan@Duke Learn everything you need to know about Ramadan 1444 | 2023 at Duke! Ramadan is one of the most sacred months in the Islamic calendar. Muslims observe Ramadan as a month of fasting, reflection, and prayer. Many Muslims will fast from food & drink (including water) from dawn until some time around sunset. We estimate that nearly 400 of the Muslims at Duke will participate in the CML’s Ramadan programming. Ramadan 101 and Communications Guide Ramadan 2023 Training for faculty & staff Ramadan Schedule First Night of Taraweeh expected: Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 First Day of Fasting expected: Thursday, March…
Our History Learn about the decades long history of Muslim Life at Duke Over the past 13 years, the Center for Muslim Life has served as the hub for Muslim Life at Duke, a home away from home for students, families, staff, faculty, and community members. The story of the Center for Muslim Life begins in 1998, when Imam Abdul Hafeez Waheed volunteered as the first Muslim Chaplain at Duke. As chaplain, Imam Waheed helped to organize and conduct Islamic religious services on campus and advocate for the needs of Muslim students at Duke, particularly a call for a space…
Meet the professionals here to help students! Dr. Joshua Salaam Director and Muslim Chaplain Joshua Salaam has strong roots in the American Muslim community. He started attending national Muslim youth camps at the age of 12 and continued as a participant, counselor and speaker for over 30 years. Joshua entered the U.S. Air Force in 1995 and served as a Police officer for four years. He was a key contributor in establishing Friday prayer services on base for Muslim military members and went on to serve as an Imam in Goldsboro, NC for several years. After the military, Joshua immersed…
Leigh Ann Muth-Waring joined the Career Center in July 2013 with a background in career coaching, employer relations, academic advising, academic policy, and teaching. She is a member of the Employer Relations team and serves as the primary liaison to organizations who offer internships, early talent opportunities, or exploratory programs for first-year and sophomore level undergraduate students. In this role, Leigh Ann works with organizations from all industries and locations. She also acts as a knowledge source for companies who are in the beginning phase of developing their internship program as well as organizations who have established programs. Along with…