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Here you’ll find information on a number of Duke groups. But there are far too many to list here! For a complete list, please visit Duke Groups See all Student Groups Asian Student Association (ASA) Duke’s ASA seeks to support and serve as a lobbying voice for the political, cultural and social interests of students of Asian Pacific Heritage. ASA also seeks to transcend social borders and to foster relations with other groups on campus through community interaction. ASA seeks to raise awareness and provide an open space to learn about historical and contemporary issues facing people of Asian Pacific…
Tips for Finding a Roommate Finding a roommate Before you sign a lease with a roommate Finding a roommate: Many students find roommates at Duke through their program or school. Programs often create group chats or channels for incoming students to connect with each other and find/post for roommates. The Duke Off Campus Housing Website has a Roommate Finder to connect with other students and find your perfect match. Duke Roommate Finder Make sure you meet with your potential roommate in person or video chat if meeting in person is not an option. Questions to ask a roommate before you…
Hi parents and families. We are so excited to have our students spotlight this month. My name is Jordyn Williams. I’m serving as the graduate intern for the New Student & Family Programs Office here at Duke. And for this month’s newsletter, we are Spotlight featuring Nicole, who is the chair of the Student Wellness caucus. And she’s here today to talk to us a little bit more about what this group does on campus and how they are serving the Duke community. So, Nicole, I’m going to hand it over to you, could you go ahead and introduce yourself…