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Introduced in Fall 2020, the Academic Guides program is a Duke Endowment funded initiative of the Office of Undergraduate Education. Members of this team create evidence-based, holistic approaches to student engagement that support students’ academic and emotional well-being and build resilience. By placing the Academic Guides’ offices in the residence halls on West Campus, the program seeks to normalize help-seeking and expand access to available academic services. Whether by organizing conversations with students, faculty, and staff around the challenges we all face as we grow into the best versions of ourselves or through residence hall-based gatherings designed to raise awareness…
The Freeman Center for Jewish Life, located on Duke’s campus, opened in 1999, providing a home for Jewish Life at Duke and the Rubenstein-Silvers Hillel and for the Duke Jewish community to gather, celebrate, learn, and pray together. Jewish student centers, and Jewish communities especially, existed on campus long before the Freeman Center was built, however. What was Jewish life at Duke like in the 1950s? Class of 1958 alumna Charlene Nachman Waldman shared the following photos and reflection with us: Jewish students at Duke in the 1950s would not have imagined that one day there would be a Freeman Center…
Looking for information on Spring 2022 Semester? For the latest updates about returning to campus for Spring Semester 2022, visit the Duke United website. For all messages sent to students with COVID-related and return to campus information, visit the Updates for Students page. For information on the COVID vaccine and booster requirements, visit Duke’s COVID Vaccine website. Re-entry Reminders Testing Through January 18, free entry testing will be available at test sites listed here. Starting Jan. 10, students must inform staff on site that they need an entry test, not a surveillance test. Questions? for surveillance testing questions. Boosters To schedule your required booster, call Student Health 919.681.9355…
Apply Today: Western North Carolina Disaster Response Trip in February Applications are now open for Jewish Life at Duke’s Volunteer Overnight Service Trip to Western North Carolina, to provide disaster response to communities affected by Hurricane Helene, from Sunday, February 23 through Monday, February 24, 2025. Applications due by February 3, 2025. Apply now Explore Jewish Life at Duke > About Us Learn about JLD Student Life Get Involved Kosher Dining Explore Options Shabbat & Holidays Celebrate with Us Parents Stay Connected Prospective Students Tour Our Building Alumni Network and Connect News & Views Read the Latest Updates Donate Help…