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Report an incident Thank you for speaking up. Report a Bias-Related Incident You may use this form to report a bias-related incident involving the Duke community. Your report will be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards and shared with the Student Affairs Bias Advisory Committee. You may elect to remain anonymous if you wish. Please provide as much detail as you can. Hate & Bias Incident Form DukeReach Care Report Use this form if you are concerned about a student’s health or behavior, and your concern is not considered an emergency. If you believe you and/or…
Our Programming page is under construction! Check back soon to explore the refresh. Follow our Instagram @dukecma for the most up-to-date activity and offerings from our Center! For more on CMA programming, contact Multicultural Connections Unity Through Diversity Duke Powwow Multicultural Graduation
LATINX HERITAGE MONTH 2023 Juntos Somos Más/Juntos Somos Mais Together We Are More. This year’s theme is inspired and motivated by the pulse of our campus community- the students. During consistent seasons of unrest and challenges that face the Latinx community, the words of our theme ring truer than ever. Coalitions are critical and the heart and soul of our communities will always rest with the people. Latinx Heritage Month 2023 Implementation Committee: Alex Espaillat, Assistant Director, Center for Multicultural Affairs Irma Lopez T’26, Cultural Chair, Mi Gente Historically, LHM at Duke has been led by students and student organization…
CMA Affinity Spaces Get to know the student affinity spaces that are housed and managed by the Center for Multicultural Affairs! What is an Affinity Space? An affinity group is a community of peers that offers support, guidance, resources, and mentorship to its members, who identify as like-minded with the group. Affinity groups are particularly valuable as they provide a sense of belonging, community, and collective empowerment to members of historically, systemically, and perpetually marginalized groups, whose experiences and voices are often not centered. An affinity space serves as a place to convene, share challenges, validate experiences, collaboratively identify needs,…
MISSION To provide Duke University students a supportive platform to critically shape their identities, explore activism and social justice initiatives on campus, and engage in coalition building across multicultural communities. PURPOSE The purpose of the Armstrong Ambassadors is to build a collective vision and passion for multicultural advancement at Duke University through intentional community building and identity formation. Throughout their cohort experience, Armstrong Ambassadors will participate in monthly leadership development sessions hosted by professional staff from the CMA, form smaller working groups within the cohort to explore various campus issues impacting their communities, and create social advocacy projects that resonate…
NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH 2023 Reclaim, Restore, Preserve This year’s theme “Reclaim, Restore, Preserve”, is a response to the current climate crisis that our global community is facing. It is a charge for not only the reclamation of land, but the reclamation of indigenous ways of knowing and existing that have sustained our people and this land for millennia. It is a call for the restoration of justice for indigenous communities by addressing past and ongoing environmental injustices. It is the imperative of preservation that will safeguard our planet and culture for generations to come. Native American Heritage Month 2023…
Reserving Space @ the CMA Check back soon! NOTE: Space Reservations do NOT include the individual CMA Affinity Spaces. How to Request a CMA Space Reservation Check back soon Center for Multicultural Affairs Space Policy Check back soon Coalition Space 1 (0010) Coalition Space (004) Meeting Space (006) CMA Patio Coalition Space 1 (0010) Check back soon Coalition Space 2 (004) Check back soon Meeting Space (006) Check back soon CMA Patio Check back soon
We are glad you are interested in learning more about our training opportunities. Due to staffing changes, trainings are on hold until further notice. Questions? Email Questions?
Our Plant-Forward Philosophy: Background We’re not eating enough plant-based foods. According to the Center for Disease Control, only 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. We’re eating a lot of animal proteins. Alternatively, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an individual in the U.S., on average, eats more than 200 pounds of meat each year. Our food choices have important effects on our health. Importantly, increased consumption of plant-based foods provides important health benefits: · Promotes gut health, potentially reducing the risk of depression · Better blood sugar control ·…
Harley Locklear Assistant Director he/him Harley joined Duke in July 2023 and currently serves as an Assistant Director in the CMA. In his current role, Harley’s work focuses on the Native American/Indigenous and undocumented communities at Duke, providing programs and services in the areas of community engagement, multicultural education, social justice advocacy, and leadership development. Harley is an Indigenous scholar and citizen of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. He holds a B.A. in American Indian and Indigenous Studies (2018) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a M.A.Ed. in Counselor Education (2020) from the University of North…
How Can Individual Counseling Help Me? Through this service, students meet with us and collaboratively work to determine and agree upon goals of treatment. We work within a time-effective frame that offers different courses of action based on students’ needs. Our providers employ different strategies to help students meet their personal and academic goals, in a way that honors their intersecting, empowered, and/or oppressed identities. Counseling is recommended to address a wide range of life circumstances that affect one’s ability to thrive, including but not limited to: Personal/Wellness issues: Anxiety, depression, loneliness, grief, body image, disordered eating, self-injurious and/or substance use…