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Offering experiences for doctoral psychology interns, psychiatry residents, and social work interns. We utilize an integrated multidisciplinary model in the delivery of a comprehensive range of psychological services to the university student community. We provide training within a context that values the uniqueness of each human being and remains sensitive to cultural and individual diversity in the immediate and extended community. Our training programs are service oriented and individually tailored to provide a broad range of training opportunities, with particular consideration to the unique goals of each discipline. Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology Duke University CAPS doctoral internship in…
Rabbi Elana Friedman (she/her/hers) is the Campus Rabbi and Jewish Chaplain for Jewish Life at Duke. Since she came to Duke in 2015, Rabbi Elana has found deep meaning in working with Duke’s Jewish students: “I love being part of Jewish students’ journeys, and walking that walk with them; both asking and contemplating the big questions in life.” At Duke University, Rabbi Elana, as she’s known on campus, serves as chief Jewish educator and spiritual leader of the campus Jewish community. In her role as Campus Rabbi, she provides counseling for students, offers opportunities for Jewish learning, and serves as liaison…
Students acknowledge the right of the university to take disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion, for failure to abide by the regulations or for other conduct adjudged unsatisfactory or detrimental to the university community. Students and groups may be held accountable for any violation of university policy that may or may not be included on this site or published in The Duke Community Standard: A Guide for Students, whether on or off campus. In addition, students must abide by local ordinances and state and federal laws. Note that other university policies that students are expected to abide by are published elsewhere,…
Get Ready for Family Weekend 2025: October 17-19 This is an annual tradition unlike any other! Duke’s Family Weekend provides the opportunity for undergraduate parents and families to engage in the life of the University and cultivate a deeper understanding of the Duke student experience. The 2025 Schedule will be posted in the fall. Check out the 2024 Schedule and Family Weekend FAQ below to get a snapshot of what could be expected from this exciting weekend. Family Weekend 2024 Schedule Find FAQs below the schedule tabs! Thursday, October 17 Friday, October 18 Saturday, October 19 Sunday, October 20 Thursday, October 17, 2024…
Health Insurance Requirement All students are required to maintain adequate medical insurance during their enrollment at Duke University. You must complete either the enrollment or waiver process within the open enrollment period. Failure to do so will result in a delay in coverage or a charge for insurance you do not need. Duke offers a Student Medical Insurance Plan (SMIP) designed to meet the needs of students who have no insurance or who have inadequate insurance coverage in the Durham, NC area. Please review your coverage. While it may be acceptable for a waiver, it may not provide the kind…
Our students connect to university identity & cultural centers through interest and/or identity. It is our intention in Student Affairs to deliver an array of international programs and services. We are committed to promoting student growth through exposure to and promotion of skills and experiences in Cultural Competency, meaning: SELF-AWARENESS: Having the consciousness of one’s social identities, cultures, biases, and perspectives, and the ability to understand what we bring to relationships and situations. UNDERSTANDING AND VALUING OTHERS: Knowledge and appreciation of the social identities, cultures, and worldviews of other people. KNOWLEDGE OF SOCIETAL INEQUALITIES: Understanding of the different forms of privilege and oppression…
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) The mission of Duke University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to provide excellent quality of care to undergraduate and graduate students. We are committed to demonstrating empathy and trust with students, one another, campus and community partners, and other stakeholders. As social justice motivates our work, all students will experience acceptance and compassion, and affirmation for their lived identities and life experiences. Services We Provide Individual Counseling & Psychiatric Services Individual counseling provides students the opportunity to meet with a provider and collaboratively work to determine and agree upon goals of treatment in a…
Janie Long Safe Study Space Janie Long was the director of the CSGD from 2006-2014. In her time here, she dedicated herself to making Duke a safer space for everyone. Because of Janie Long, the CSGD was able to secure its large and prominent space in the Bryan Center, and why Lavender Graduation and Coming Out Day became such beloved traditions. She subsequently served as Duke’s most high-profile LGBTQ+ administrator, the Associate Vice Provost in the Office of Undergraduate Education, until retiring in 2021. In her honor, the Janie Long Study Space on the 4th floor of Perkins is meant…