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Amy Johndro (she/her) serves as the Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator at Duke. She is a licensed clinical social worker in North Carolina with over 22 years of experience as a case manager, therapist, and department manager. She became a social worker to help those who have experienced gender violence, and she is passionate about ensuring individuals have the support they need through evidence-based, culturally sensitive interventions. She holds a M.S.W. from Michigan State University and a B.S. in social work from Eastern Michigan University. Amy and her partner moved to North Carolina in 2007. She finds peace in nature and…
Jewish Holidays 2024 – 2026 We encourage our Duke colleagues and student groups of all identities and faith traditions to reference this resource when scheduling programs and events in order to avoid planning events on major Jewish holidays. Taking into account these dates helps create an inclusive climate for the Duke Jewish community. Questions? Contact us at Holidays marked with ** (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot) are days when traditionally work is forbidden and some students may not travel or write. Duke Colleagues: We ask that there be no university wide programming…
Building Healthy Relationships Having healthy relationships platonically, romantically, and sexually can be a fun part of your experience at Duke, but it often takes time and practice to navigate new social connections like relationships. The decision to be sexually active is personal and different for each individual and is an important component of practicing holistic wellness. Knowing the correct information and being able to access reliable resources can help you make informed, safe, healthy decisions, and DuWell is here to help you. Request a Sexual Health Workshop We are available to facilitate discussions and present interactive workshops on a variety…
Aviv Sheetrit (she/her/hers) serves as Associate Director for External Relations, working behind the scenes to engage donors, alumni, and friends of Jewish Life at Duke. Aviv oversees JLD’s fundraising efforts, communications strategy, and alumni engagement programs, partnering with alumni and parents who are passionate about supporting and advocating for Duke’s Jewish community. She loves seeing the impact made possible by supporters when students reflect about finding their community at JLD, the transformative experiences they had, or the lifelong friends and mentors they made. She also loves taste-testing the rotating Weekly Special at the Freeman Center Café! Aviv was born in Jerusalem,…
Welcome to the Center for Muslim Life! A home for Muslim Life at Duke Ramadan 2024 Check out our Ramadan hub for all the programs and resources you need for the month! Learn more At the Center for Muslim Life (CML), students, staff, and faculty come together to create a vibrant and inclusive Muslim environment. We are committed to enriching the lives of Muslim students and the whole campus through events and activities that cater to the spiritual, social, and intellectual needs of Duke students. Whether you were born or raised Muslim, interested in or new to Islam, or know…
Free, Confidential STI Testing DuWell collaborates with the Durham County Department of Public Health to offer free monthly confidential STI Walk-in Testing to all Duke students. No appointment necessary. If you are sexually active the recommendation is to be tested every three months. On-Campus Options The full schedule of free monthly confidential STI Walk-in Testing Clinics is available on DukeGroups. If you would like to get tested outside of the monthly testing dates you may schedule an appointment with Duke Student Health, but be advised there is a fee that will be charged to your insurance. Off-Campus Option You may contact…
Visit Jewish Life at Duke Considering Duke? Visit us and learn more. Freeman Center Tour and Student Conversation Academic Year (Late August to April) The Freeman Center for Jewish Life, where Jewish Life at Duke is housed, is open for tours during the academic year (late August to April) on: Monday through Friday: 9am to 5pm Some Sundays during Fall and Spring semesters: 11am to 1pm during monthly bagel brucnhes* Our student interns are available throughout the day to give you a tour of our building and discuss Jewish Life at Duke. Please email us at to let us know…
Providing evidence-based, student-centered healthcare to the campus community. We offer a wide range of healthcare services for all Duke students, many of which are covered by the student health fee. Every time you need services, you’ll discover professional and compassionate care that directly contributes to your well-being and overall success. Insurance Open Enrollment To complete your enrollment, access further details, including plan options, waiver forms, and additional resources, please visit the dedicated insurance enrollment portal opening on November 13. Start the process Make an Appointment Hours After-Hours Support Location If you would like to make an appointment call (919) 681-9355….
Duke Student Health Nutrition Services Fosters an environment that educates, supports and facilitates a student’s ability to develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors; collaborates with Duke Dining to offer a nutritious and appealing food environment that allows students to nourish both their bodies and minds; offers evidence based clinical care in a respectful and caring manner; provides information through campus-wide nutrition initiatives, and works collaboratively with other campus organizations in order to deliver the highest level of nutrition care possible. Nutrition Consultation Appointments We offer evidence-based, in-person, and virtual nutrition consultations for all your nutritional needs. To Make an Appointment Please…