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Outcomes within the Student Conduct System. Any disciplinary hearing may result in sanctions (singly or in combination), including, but not limited to, those from the following list. In determining appropriate sanctions, consideration may be given to the nature of and circumstances surrounding the violation, the student’s/student group’s acceptance of responsibility, prior disciplinary violations, the impact of a sanction on the student/student group, precedent cases, university interests and any other information deemed relevant by a hearing panel/officer. For cases resolved through the Conduct Board, all sanctions are decided by majority vote with the exception of a suspension or expulsion of an…
Authorization to release Authorization to Release Information Form In order for the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards (OSCCS) at Duke University to have permission to release information concerning any student’s disciplinary record to either themselves (via appointment only), an institution, or any other third party, please fill out the authorization to release form.The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at Duke University will only provide requested Dean’s Certifications (also known as disciplinary history forms) directly to all institutions and any other third party. Duke Undergraduate Reporting Policy Duke Undergraduate Reporting Policy The Office of Student Conduct and…
At Duke Student Affairs, our vision is that students will: Graduate with integrity and purpose, focused on near term goals and capable of adjusting to both opportunity and adversity; Care about themselves and others; and Develop the skills and judgment to navigate their journeys, both individually and collectively. Further, our vision for excellence extends to the greater Duke community, which is enhanced by the variety of outstanding services and operations provided by Student Affairs to students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, and guests of the University. The principles that guide us. Meaningful Inclusion: Moving Toward Equity Actively support all student identities…
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards exists to support the campus community based on the principles set forth in the Duke Community Standard – honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and respect for others. There are a number of ways you can become involved. Conduct Board Community Standard Advisor (CSA) Community Education The Conduct Board is a group of students, faculty and staff appointed to hear infractions of university policy. The board is charged with determining whether a student’s/group’s actions constitute a violation of university policy and, if so, an appropriate response. In determining an appropriate response, consideration is given to…
Get in touch! For general inquiries, please email us: This email is monitored during normal business hours. Please do not send medical records of any kind to the above email address. If you are trying to submit insurance, immunization records, or any other health-related materials, please contact Student Health. Need assistance? Visit our Resources page where you’ll find emergency contacts, information on the Duke Community Standard, mental health and wellness resources, how to report a concern, and more. In case of an emergency in which your or another’s immediate safety is at risk, please call Duke Police at 919-684-2444. If calling off campus, dial 9-1-1. For…
Voting Resources As we head into Fall election season, visit Duke Votes for helpful resources and important information. Duke Votes Get Started Explore resources, recent messages and other important information about our university. Resources for Students Find Resources Recent Messages to Undergrads Read Recent Messages Who is Student Affairs? Learn About Us! QuadEx The Duke Student Experience Gender Violence Education & Outreach Learn More About Gender Violence Education & Outreach Bias Support & Reporting Get Assistance Stories from around the Division of Student Affairs and beyond! Graduate & Professional Student Day Experience: Museum of Life and Science Brunch (2024) 2024…
Orel Peretz (she/her/hers) is the Heyman Winter Israel Fellow at Duke University. As Israel Fellow, Orel hosts Israel-themed events, advises our Israel-focused student groups, travels with students to Israel on our annual Birthright Israel trip, and provides educational and social opportunities to engage with Israel. At the Freeman Center and across campus, Orel helps students explore their connection to and relationship with Israel’s people, places, and culture. She hosts Café Ivrit, a space for students to learn about Israeli culture and practice Hebrew together. She oversees the Israel Gap Year program and the Jewish Learning Fellowship: Kol Yisrael educational cohort…
Opportunities to keep the Duke community safe and welcoming Select an event below to learn how you can join a team throughout the year Student Affairs works as one team, and a few events require our division and campus partners to pitch in for the safety for our students and to create an inclusive environment for our community. Pickets, Protest, & Demonstrations (PPD) Team – All Year Duke’s commitment to free speech and the open exchange of ideas is demonstrated in print, online, and most notably, in the wide array of speakers and public programs on campus. While the vast…
Seth Wittenberg (he/him/his) joined Jewish Life at Duke in July 2023 as the Springboard Social Justice Fellow. The Springboard Fellow program of Hillel International is a two-year fellowship that brings talented new graduates to campus Hillels throughout the country to build thriving Jewish student communities on campus. Social Justice Fellows are trained in engagement, social action, and community organizing in order to empower Jewish students to work together to make change on a local and domestic level guided by Jewish values, texts, and history. As a Springboard Social Justice Fellow, Seth works directly with undergraduate and graduate/professional students to enhance their social justice…
If you experience an incident, we encourage you to report it. Duke is an incredibly diverse community which is one of many reasons why students matriculate to Duke. We value difference greatly but recognize that the vast diversity of our student population presents equal opportunities for understanding as well as misunderstanding. As one of many campus resources available, the Center for Multicultural Affairs would like to facilitate your reporting bias incidents. We hope you do not have to, but in the event please utilize the Bias Incident Button. We are here to support you and ensure that you have the best possible experience while at Duke. Need…
Support multiculturalism at Duke! Thank you for supporting the Center for Multicultural Affairs! Your generous contribution allows us to continue to do community-minded, coalition-building, multicultural work on Duke’s campus. If you’d like to make a donation, please click the button below to access the secure Duke Gifts page. Here, you can specify your gift amount, type, and frequency. You can also indicate that you would like your gift to remain anonymous, or if you would like to receive a personalized CMA thank you note. If you have any questions about your gift or other donation-related affairs, please email us at…