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2024 Grad/Prof Student Day Experience – #2 Duke Gardens & Nasher Museum [NOTE: This event has already occurred.] As an extension to our 2024 Summer Transition Series webinar sessions, Graduate and Professional Student Services is excited to announce six immersive in-person Day Experiences! Day Experiences are designed: DukeArts presents tours of the majestic Duke Gardens and the Nasher Museum. Explore the beauty of the renowned Sarah P. Duke Gardens and sample the world-class exhibits at the Nasher Museum of Art. Conclude with lunch and an immersive arts activity. (Did you know that DukeArts offers free workshops for students? Visit Duke Arts Create to learn more!)…
Every year, students participate in Jewish Life at Duke’s B’nai Mitzvah program, which offers students who did not become b’nai mitzvah as pre-teens to take part in this milestone during their time at Duke.
2024 Grad/Prof Student Day Experience – #3 Downtown Tour & Durham Bulls Baseball Game [NOTE: This event has already occurred.] As an extension to our 2024 Summer Transition Series webinar sessions, Graduate and Professional Student Services is excited to announce six immersive in-person Day Experiences! Day Experiences are designed: The Office of Off-Campus & Community Life brings you a fun two-part activity; “Discover Downtown Durham.” Learn more about your new hometown with a tour of downtown Durham. Afterward, take in the excitement of a Durham Bulls baseball game. Tentative Itinerary*: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Overview: *Itinerary and activities are subject to change …
Happy Reunion Weekend! Join the Jewish Life at Duke at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life for special reunion events on April 12-14, 2024.
Coming together in times of crisis. It was quiet. As the moon cast a pale glow on the stones of the iconic Duke chapel, the campus lay enveloped by silence. Spring break meant that the usually bustling walkways and vibrant buildings were now empty and silent. Amidst this quietude, a distinct sound pierced through the darkness, a melodic recitation of surah al fatiha, the first chapter in the Qur’an. The sound of prayer cast tranquility and a sense of sacredness and serenity permeated the empty campus grounds from the open window of the Center for Muslim Life. On the evening…
Over the last 4 months, the Center for Muslim Life (CML) has facilitated five sessions of our training entitled, “Been Here, Still Here: History of Muslims and Islamophobia in the United States,” a two-hour interactive workshop that provides an introductory examination of the history and presence of Muslims and Islamophobia in the U.S.
The Balthrop-Cassidy Fellowship is a special opportunity for recent graduates to transform Duke into an even more welcoming, inclusive, and safe community.
This MLK Day weekend, the Duke community celebrated the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. From Duke Chapel to K-Ville, Blue Devils gathered to remember, honor, and enact the values that Dr. King championed throughout his life. This year’s events demonstrate how deeply Dr. King’s message continues to resonate with the Duke family. Here are a few highlights from this past weekend. Duke Centennial Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration On Sunday, Blue Devils packed into Duke Chapel for the Duke Centennial Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration, featuring keynote remarks from Duke alumnus and Board of Trustees member Grant…
Jewish students from Duke University bring the spirit of Purim and Shabbat to residents of Forest at Duke, fostering intergenerational bonds.
Graduate Professional Student Appreciation Week (GPSAW) events at Duke are an excellent opportunity for students to come together and engage in activities that promote social connections, foster a sense of belonging, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. We recognize and appreciate the hard work and contributions of our Duke graduate and professional students and encourage students to engage in the events/initiatives designed specifically for you.
We are excited to announce a milestone in our commitment to leadership education at Duke. On Monday, September 18, Student Affairs proudly launched the True North Leadership program, an initiative designed to reshape how we approach and teach leadership skills to our undergraduate students. Made possible by the generosity of the George Family Foundation, Duke True North Leadership begins a three-year pilot program, built upon the vision and success of Bill George’s True North: Emerging Leader Edition. Through the True North Leadership program, our aim is to facilitate the exploration of personal leadership capabilities while fostering profound relationships among our…
2024 Grad/Prof Student Day Experience – #1 Scavenger Hunt & Brewery [NOTE: This event has already occurred.] As an extension to our 2024 Summer Transition Series webinar sessions, Graduate and Professional Student Services is excited to announce six immersive in-person Day Experiences! Day Experiences are designed: Enjoy an event in Downtown Durham with fellow incoming Duke Graduate and Professional students, with a scavenger hunt and a visit to Fullsteam Brewery! Tentative Itinerary*: Thursday, July 18, 2024 *Itinerary and activities are subject to change Additional information: Communication Timeline: (Selected students will be notified by July 9) [Experience hosted by DISC] To learn about…