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Basically just a chance for people interested in DIRA to meet away team members. We’ll play MUN themed games like the 1-minute game.
Duke Debate Motion Discussion
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
We will be providing an overview of Duke Global Public Health Brigades, open executive board positions, club activities, and our trip.
Join us for a documentary viewing about volunteering with Remote Area Medical, created by our co-founder and alum, Rishi Dasgupta (Duke ’22)
In this workshop, participants will learn about the value in establishing community agreements within multicultural spaces, how to create agreements that decenter whiteness, and how to leverage agreements to cultivate a stronger sense of community accountability.
Round Table SLG will be playing board games.
Duke Sports Analytics Club will be hosting a workshop to teach members basic R for sports analytics.
Open workshops for all- no registration necessary! Converse 1-on-1 with prospective quants and start mentor relationships, compete in a team-based trivia/game theory/mathematical thinking competition, learn and apply basic options trading strategies with a team, play mock trading games like a trading intern, and get an introduction to the quant job recruitment process. Follow us on instagram @d…
DEID’s first GBM of the year for returning and prospective new members. Come by to learn more about DEID!
Come join Bench & Bar for our kickoff meeting and an information session! Free Insomnia Cookies!!
The first general body meeting for the habitat for humanity organization, where we will introduce the officers, go over our plans for the semester, and also get some hands-on experinece with a mini-build.