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Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Jess Hawkins will visit DUML and discuss topics of fisheries-related business and management.
Come paint and relax with the Zetas as we celebrate our 29th charter day!
Do you struggle to unwind your mind before an exam, an interview, or before going to sleep at night? If so, you are not alone! Minimizing the stress of daily life as much as possible is important for overall health. This workshop will give you tips to help you move through stressful moments at Duke mindfully. RSVP is not necessary, but preferred for accurate food and resources.
Informational meeting for all students interested in joint Duke Latinx Business Organization.
Come join the Duke International Student Center (DISC) for our weekly Spanish Conversation Club gathering
Open workshops for all- no registration necessary! Converse 1-on-1 with prospective quants and start mentor relationships, compete in a team-based trivia/game theory/mathematical thinking competition, learn and apply basic options trading strategies with a team, play mock trading games like a trading intern, and get an introduction to the quant job recruitment process. Follow us on instagram @d…
Members will reveal the theme of this year’s Cube Challenge, a competition where rushees pitch their startup ideas.
Come join us to learn more about the MMS certificate program here at Duke! You will hear from students who have taken courses and professor in the MMS program on how MMS can help prepare you for a career in business, marketing, entrepreneurship, consulting, finance and leadership. This is a great chance for you to ask any questions and meet some key professors who teach the program!
Join DCC’s weekly meeting to support its work advocating for climate action!
Come join us for our General Body Meeting to learn about a UNICEF topic and meet our exec team!
Members from Duke Law will come speak to Phi Alpha Delta.