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A retreat intended to welcome students of all ages into a community through large and small groups and provide an opportunity to decompress and spend time off-campus.
Come join us for screenings, socialization, and games
Join us for the next installment of Karsh Conversations: Preparing for Law School with Patrice Barley (JD ‘05 ), Academic Dean and Pre-Law Advisor. Dean Barley will share the different educational pathways and job opportunities within the field of law, and discuss the process of preparing and applying to law school.
Weekly executives meeting for Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society
This year, TechConnect and the All-Industry Career Fair will be on the same day in the same place! Meet with employers across science and engineering fields from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM in Wilson Gym and then across all industries from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM to find jobs, internships, connections, and more! If you don’t know where to start, you can ask career advisors questions through Backstage Pass. Re…
Jess Hawkins will visit DUML and discuss topics of fisheries-related business and management.
Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Discussing general topics related to the pre-dentistry track including admission process, DAT, shadowing, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a mentorship program for students to be supported throughout their undergraduate experience.
Kidz Vote Meeting
Weekly Senate for Duke Student Government
Broomball is an APO recruitment tradition! It is somewhat similar to ice hockey, but with a small twist. We look forward to welcoming any and all Duke students interested in joining APO to this event.