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2024 Grad/Prof Student Day Experience – #6 Museum of Life and Science Brunch [NOTE: This event has already occurred.] As an extension to our 2024 Summer Transition Series webinar sessions, Graduate and Professional Student Services is excited to announce six immersive in-person Day Experiences! Day Experiences are designed: Graduate & Professional Student Services (GPSS) is thrilled to bring you our favorite event as the finale of the GPSS Day Experiences series. This event is intended to connect student parents or students in Durham with partners/families. Bring your family to the renowned Museum of Life and Science, where you and your loved…
On January 29th, Duke students, faculty, and staff each received a unique link to the 2024 Campus Culture Survey. This initiative is a critical resource for ensuring that Duke lives up to its goals of fostering a campus community where every Blue Devil feels valued and supported. By spending 15-20 minutes of your time completing this year’s survey, you can help shape the future of Duke for years to come. Survey responses are due February 16th. If you don’t see a link in your inbox, check your spam folder! Implemented in 2021 First announced in President Price’s 2020 Juneteenth message,…
Hundreds of student clubs and organizations will be present to showcase their groups and invite students to learn more. The event is open to all Duke students and will take place on Thursday, August 29 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm on East Duke Lawn. Students are encouraged to visit Duke Groups ( to learn more about recognized student organizations at Duke. Table signups have closed and the finalized list of organizations is below. For more event information contact Student Involvement and Leadership ( Event map: Confirmed Student Organizations: Adopt A GrandparentAll of the AboveAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc®alpha Kappa Delta…
Apply today for the Table Talk cohort Fall 2024 Table Talk is simple! Selected students will have access to funds to take a faculty or staff member to a meal on campus. Talk about your personal and professional goals, your current Spotify playlist, the Duke-UNC rivalry, time travel, or anything you want! Enjoy yourself and the conversation, then tell us all about your experience. Why? Because informal interactions with faculty and staff outside of the classroom can help you find pathways to success while you’re at Duke and increase your sense of belonging to the university. Space in the fall…
Graduate Professional Student Appreciation Week (GPSAW) events at Duke are an excellent opportunity for students to come together and engage in activities that promote social connections, foster a sense of belonging, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. We recognize and appreciate the hard work and contributions of our Duke graduate and professional students and encourage students to engage in the events/initiatives designed specifically for you.
“Jewtinos at Duke” student affinity group celebrates Jewish and Latino heritage.
The Jewish Medical Students Association (JMSA) was officially recognized by the Davison Council, the student government organization for the Duke Doctor of Medicine program, as a new student group, on February 23, 2024.
As October kicks off Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Duke’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) is bringing technology groups together as part of Duke Tech Week 2023.
At Duke, our Division of Student Affairs helps operate every area of campus life outside the classroom — including dining, student health and wellness, our identity and cultural centers, and more. We do this with a specific mission in mind: creating a campus-wide culture of belonging that empowers all Blue Devils to achieve success in their academic work and beyond. On this Giving Tuesday, we invite you to be part of this transformative journey. By supporting our work, you contribute to a legacy of excellence and inclusivity that defines the Blue Devil spirit. Here are 5 ways your gift can…
The Duke Jewish Alumni Network (DJAN) is partnering with the Jewish Book Council to bring notable books, discussions, and author conversations to alumni and friends!
The DJAN Book Club, supported by Jewish Life at Duke and Duke Lifelong Learning, offers an opportunity for alumni, parents, and friends to read six books during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Jewish Life at Duke welcomes actor, comedian, and television star Joel McHale along with comedians Dan Levy, Leslie Liao, and Ariel Elias for “A Night of Comedy.”
Happy Reunion Weekend! Join the Jewish Life at Duke at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life for special reunion events on April 12-14, 2024.