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Rehearsing for our OShow performances, which are Aug 27 @ 11pm and Aug 28 @ 5:30pm, 11pm. **PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE EARLY MOVE IN**
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
First Big Week is back! First Big Week is the first week of classes (plus the surrounding weekends) and runs from August 27 through September 4 this year. The week is packed full of events to help students connect with each other and to campus. The schedule includes academic, social, spiritual, and service events, and so much more. Full schedule available here:…
Rehearsing for our OShow performances, which are Aug 27 @ 11pm and Aug 28 @ 5:30pm, 11pm. **PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE EARLY MOVE IN**
Duke Cru will be hosting a time of reflection and prayer for all of Duke Cru in which we will pray over and lift up the freshmen as they begin their college careers. All are welcome.
This is the first instance of DSP’s fall recruitment information session.
Calling all graduate and professional school students! Join Jewish Life at Duke at the Freeman Center Patio for a kosher BBQ feast. Meet fellow graduate/professional students, meet the JLD staff, get to know our space, and learn about Jewish resources on campus and off. No RSVP needed! Feel free to bring a friend or spouse.
The first big celebration of the year! Chow down on a kosher BBQ feast, meet your JFAMily in person, get to know fellow Class of 2026 and upperclass students, and learn how to get involved with Jewish student organizations. No RSVP needed! Bring your friends or roommate, Jewish or not!
Will be presenting about the Investment Club to prospective freshmen joiners.
Kickoff the West Campus experience with a packed night of games, food, prizes, and fireworks show! Bring some old friends and make some new ones as we welcome the class of 2026 to West Campus.
Join the Center for Muslim Life for our welcome back to campus Muslim mixer. Come mingle with Muslim-identified students, staff, and faculty and enjoy halal barbecue, a raffle games and more! Learn more about student groups that are affiliated with Duke’s Muslim population including Muslim-centered groups and cultural and identity groups.
Join DSP in a discussion on our efforts for Diversity & Inclusion with our two VPs of Diversity.