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Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
Info Session for Duke Mock Trial
Dinner with DIRA recruitment event. Info Session #1 for DIRA Recruitment The Duke International Relations Association, or DIRA, is a close-knit community of politically-minded individuals who engage with the world around us through Model UN and IR-related discourse. We host two annual conferences: DISCon (our collegiate security conference) and DUMUNC (our high school conference). …
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Info Session held on East Campus to introduce the Taiwanese American Student Association to new Duke students!
Come grab some popcorn & enjoy the latest Doctor Strange chronicles on Abele Quad!
We will be spending time as a community by competing in a student-made scavenger hunt around campus!
Soca’s annual outside cookout and fun
For people interested in learning more about Duke Moot Court, Duke Mock Trial, and DIRA! Current Moot, Mock, and DIRA members will give information on their respective organizations and how to join.
Interested in tech, social good, and innovation? HackDuke, the nation’s largest hackathon for social good, is recruiting new team members to join the planning committee. Come find out about our different teams and all that’s done to put on Duke’s premier hackathon & design conference every year. Apply here:
Join DSP in a final celebration of Round 1 of Recruitment!
Welcome back, everyone! Skate your way into the fall semester with DUU’s Duke@Nite Roller Rink! From 8 PM to 12 AM on the East Campus Tennis Courts, you’ll find skates, music, and more! Can’t wait to see y’all there!