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Stop by the East Campus Gazebo for some cool refreshments and a chance to chat with current members of Duke Moot Court about the club!
Reunite (or meet!) your JFAMilies and meet fellow students over Andia’s Homemade Ice Cream, a local, award-winning, small-batch favorite! We’ll be at GADU, which is the basement of the East Campus dorm, Gilbert-Addoms.
Join DSP in a discussion on our efforts for Diversity & Inclusion with our two VPs of Diversity.
DIIG’s information session for interested applicants to learn more about our organization, what we do, what makes us unique, as well as to ask questions about our application and recruiting process.
Interested in tech, social good, and innovation? HackDuke, the nation’s largest hackathon for social good, is recruiting new team members to join the planning committee. Come find out about our different teams and all that’s done to put on Duke’s premier hackathon & design conference every year. Apply here:
Join DSP in a final celebration of Round 1 of Recruitment!
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Dinner with DIRA recruitment event. Info Session #1 for DIRA Recruitment The Duke International Relations Association, or DIRA, is a close-knit community of politically-minded individuals who engage with the world around us through Model UN and IR-related discourse. We host two annual conferences: DISCon (our collegiate security conference) and DUMUNC (our high school conference). …
Info Session for Duke Mock Trial
We are hosting a popsicle social in order to get students interested in the cybersecurity and data privacy fields. Representatives and professors involved in the field will be joining us and students will have the opportunity to learn more about the field and the possibilities it offers!
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Come stop by the TASA table for snacks and to learn about the Duke Taiwanese American Student Association. We welcome anyone regardless of identity and background, and just ask for an interest in learning about Taiwanese culture and cuisine!