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DIIG’s information session for interested applicants to learn more about our organization, what we do, what makes us unique, as well as to ask questions about our application and recruiting process.
For people interested in learning more about Duke Moot Court, Duke Mock Trial, and DIRA! Current Moot, Mock, and DIRA members will give information on their respective organizations and how to join.
Soca’s annual outside cookout and fun
We will be spending time as a community by competing in a student-made scavenger hunt around campus!
This is a weekly meeting for Alpha Phi Omega (a separate one for pledges and members back to back) for the purposes of making sure members are aware of group events and making collective decisions.
Weekly meeting conducted for the entire general body of the Duke Investment Club, featuring stock pitches, guest speakers, student panels, and a training program for underclassmen interested in learning more about finance.
This is the first round of deliberations after our Round 1 of recruitment.
This is a poster style information session hosted by all of the SLGs to introduce themselves to the potential new members
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.
Info Session held on East Campus to introduce the Taiwanese American Student Association to new Duke students!
Come grab some popcorn & enjoy the latest Doctor Strange chronicles on Abele Quad!
Join DSP in a discussion on our efforts for Diversity & Inclusion with our two VPs of Diversity.