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Come learn about Duke Hyperloop and how you can get involved in our club!
Come learn the basics of Excel with the Nicholas School Energy Club! This will be a two part workshop meant for those who would like to learn Excel. We will start with introductory level skills and build up toward skills and tools you will use in your MEM classes.
An interest meeting to distribute information regarding the recruitment and selection process for the Tour Guide program.
Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our first meeting of the school year. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Join SHAPE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Education) for an interest meeting to learn more about our organization and get information about how to become a member!
Info Session
The Ciceronian Society hosts AEI’s Zach Cooper for a conversation about the rising tensions
With the new Asian American Diaspora Studies minor being approved in February of this year, ASA hopes to offer students, new and old, a chance to explore what the growing field of AAS looks like at Duke, both from the classes available and the numerous organizations that are dedicated to expanding what the field looks like on campus.
Ice Cream Social for AHS new member recruitment
Interested in tech, social good, and innovation? HackDuke, the nation’s largest hackathon for social good, is recruiting new team members to join the planning committee. Come find out about our different teams and all that’s done to put on Duke’s premier hackathon & design conference every year. Apply here:
info session
Auditions for the 7 Duke A Cappella groups.