Found 14149 matches
Celebrate the High Holidays with us by attending a service (Conservative and Reform services, along with non-denominational alternative experiences) and/or enjoying festive holiday meals at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life. Meet at the Duke Gardens Big Pond for Tashlich at 6:15 pm. Holiday dinner at 6:45, and Conservative service and Kiddush at 7:45 pm. Come for any or all of the evenin…
Celebrate the High Holidays with us by attending a service (Conservative and Reform services, along with non-denominational alternative experiences) and/or enjoying festive holiday meals at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life. Conservative morning services begin at 9:30 am. Reform services begin at 10:00 am, and a combined Torah service will begin at approximately 10:45 am. Conservative Musaf…
Celebrate the High Holidays with us by attending a service (Conservative and Reform services, along with non-denominational alternative experiences) and/or enjoying festive holiday meals at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life.
Practice for Duke MMA
Weekly meetings for the Duke University Chess Club, which will include lessons with our coach Levan Bregadze
Join us on Friday for the Shabbat this Friday! Shabbat services start at 6pm (don’t miss Good Thing of the Week!), and the evening continues at 7pm with dinner. Register by texting “Shabbat” to (984) 333-5603.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
After you have submitted your applications, you’ll be invited to a casual interview with exec.
As part of recruitment, this event will be to get to know the other members of the club.