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Open studio access for kit rentals and facilities use at the Annex
From the folks who hosted the East Campus Carnival, come to the Front Quad to celebrate the return of Devils After Dark!! Start off this spooky month with some fun festive activities, snacks, music, and good vibes!!
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tourney dedicated to Duke Gaming alum who will be back for the weekend.
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Thursday from 5:30 pm- 6:20pm in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
This wellness experience gives you the opportunity to learn sleight of hand techniques and close-up magic in an inviting, fun, and relaxed social atmosphere. No experience necessary! Performing magic serves as a positive distraction, provides an opportunity to learn a new skill to share with others, and promotes mindfulness through hands-on learning. Each session is facilitated by a member of t…
Moot Court Meetings during the week to help Moot Court members prepare pertinent skills for competition.
Open studio access for students to rent out art supplies and use the facilities at the arts annex.
Weekly all-member meeting for the Fluke News.
Open studio access for students to rent out art supplies and use the facilities at the arts annex.
Moot Court Meetings during the week to help Moot Court members prepare pertinent skills for competition.
Meeting space to allow for Moot Court members to ask additional questions or receive additional practice.
Meeting space to allow for Moot Court members to ask additional questions or receive additional practice.