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Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Come enjoy some live jazz on Wednesdays at the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture! Whether you want to study, hang with friends, or hear some incredible local music, Jazz@ the Mary Lou is perfect for you! Stop by for one tune or listen to the whole session, and bring your friends!
Seminars every Sunday going over recruitment tips and tricks for new members—understanding interviews, networking, and job placement
Come enjoy some live jazz on Wednesdays at the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture! Whether you want to study, hang with friends, or hear some incredible local music, Jazz@ the Mary Lou is perfect for you! Stop by for one tune or listen to the whole session, and bring your friends!
DIFF, in collaboration with Universal Pictures, will be hosting an advanced screening of the romantic comedy Bros at the AMC Classic Durham 15 Theater on Tuesday, September 27th at 8 p.m. Tickets are free! Arrive 15-20 minutes early. Uber recommended (~$10).
Religious class focusing how we, as Christians, can better reach out to all those around us with love and equity. We learn from the example of Christ and His interactions with displaced persons.
A podcast created by our very own BOW members! Grace and Hannah of the Entrepreneurship Committee will be interviewing Barbara Euripedes- a recent (2021 grad!) Duke alumna who published her own book- “Brains, Beauty, Boss” that was a named a #1 Amazon Best New Release. Listen to the episode released on Spotify and come talk about it!