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First-years! Come out to chat with Bro Jo while eating your favorite Marketplace brunch. Ask him about his experiences being part of a band or his work as a Muslim chaplain or maybe ask him about how many knives he can juggle. All while having brunch with other freshmen!
Join the Duke Career Center for heavy appetizers and guided small-group discussions with local biotech companies. Discussions will be centered around industry insights, how to stand out as an applicant, and what you can be doing now to prepare. Following the small-group discussions, you will have the opportunity to network with employers to ask questions about their specific companies. ***P…
Join us for an unforgettable evening with the Duke Pitchforks at the acoustically stunning Baldwin Auditorium on East Campus! Experience a diverse range of musical performances that promise to captivate your senses and elevate your spirits. • Variety of musical genres • ️ Beautiful and acoustically amazing venue • Admission is FREE! Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a night of …
Monthly General Body Meeting. Come learn about our upcoming events and meet fellow film enthusiasts!
Weekly Meeting for Moot Court members
Join us for a guided tour of the Nasher Museum! An expert guide will take participants through the Collection galleries, Love & Anarchy, and other Nasher exhibitions. The 60 mins tour begins promptly at 12:15pm, followed by lunch and light refreshments. Bring your camera !!!
A day for members of BSA to come together and bond as a team. Going to ground zero Lazer tag
Dr. Heather Holleman will be speaking about having meaningful conversations in a a time of incivility. This event is welcome to everyone curious to deepening relationships through conversations.
Reg Bloor /// 11/11/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm, Music ~8:00pm $10 at door (NOTAFLOF), Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705
All things Taylor Swift trivia in preparation for the release of 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Club practice for Duke MMA
Come hang out at the Freeman Center on Sunday morning – catch up with friends, and nosh on a bagel (and coffee, of course!). No RSVP necessary – just bring your bagel-loving-self!