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Hoof ‘n’ Horn is auditioning for Last in the Class, an original musical by Daniel Elish. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with Hoof ‘n’ Horn alums Martavius Parrish (T’14) and Adam Beskind (T’20) who will be directing and music directing this staged reading!
Gathering Native community and allies to beading together.
General Meeting to discuss club events
General Meeting to discuss club events
Faculty Seminar Series on Physics Topics
For this session, see how to make the most effective use of your members in your student organization and the connections between good leaders and followers.
Jackson will tutor small groups of moot court members.
Join Creative Writing to help you relax, have a moment of peace during your week, and build resilience while finding strength and community in sharing your stories through writing. Writing is a mindful activity that encourages expressing your emotions, thinking introspectively, sharing your gratitude, and having fun through poetry, short stories, and more! This group meets every Thursday fr…
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Workshop for learning about SWE
Join Dr. Raja G. Bhattar (they/them/theirs) in a conversation on the presence of queer and trans identities within Hindu scripture and mythology. This will be an intimate lunch and learn workshop so food and space is limited! If you require any accommodations for this event, please contact us at least one week in advance at: 919-684-6607 or
Our club’s general body meeting to discuss club happenings including events, volunteering, and fundraising.