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Language Practice: To further enrich your language learning experience and provide an opportunity for language enthusiasts like yourself to practice the language in an informal and relaxed setting. Enhance your language skills by conversing with fellow learners. Community Building: Build new friendships and connections with like-minded students. Fun and Relaxation: Enjoy a friendly and …
Jackson will tutor small groups of moot court members.
Check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space!
Weekly meetings with training in BP Format and practice rounds.
Join us for First Friday! Meet us in The Lou from 12-4pm for food, music and community. We hope to see you there!
Dance class hosted at Emily K Center. Duke Dance Expressions teaches dance classes to underprivileged children across Durham.
Join Duke’s International Family at Boxcar Bar + Arcade Durham (621 Foster St, Durham, NC 27701) on November 3, 2023. Undergraduates, graduates, scholars, and families are welcome to celebrate with each other at the Duke International Student Center’s (DISC) annual Family Weekend program. Transportation will be available to/from Duke’s west campus, details to follow for RSVP. The event will …
Learning techniques for using chainsaws safely
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
Grace Weber (+ Will Wildfire) /// 11/3/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm Music ~8:00pm $10 at door (NOTAFLOF), Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705
Join the Duke Women’s Center every third Wednesday of the month for a free lunch workshop about topics from wellness and accessibility, to creativity and self-love! October’s topic: Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality and other tips for improving your self image! Join us and experts from Campus Rec and Nutrition Services to learn more about the care and keeping of your body.
We will be bringing in Dr. Dunning from the Duke Eye Center to give a talk about low vision through her work and research. The expected audience will primarily be Duke students and faculty.